We affirm the Old and New Testament Scriptures to be the verbally
inspired Word of God, without error in its origin, fully authoritative for faith
and practice and totally sufficient for conversion.
We affirm that God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each have
distinct personal attributes, but are perfectly equal in nature, essence, being,
purpose, and holiness.
We affirm Jesus Christ to be the exact manifestation of the invisible
God. As the eternal Son of God, He is both perfect God and perfect man in
human flesh. His virgin birth and sinless nature attest to His incarnation.
We affirm that God created man in His image and likeness. Adam’s
sin corrupted the nature of man and separated all mankind from God. This
places man under sin’s domination, Satan’s control and the world’s pattern.
We affirm that salvation rests solely in Jesus Christ. His shed blood
paid sin’s penalty. His resurrection confirmed God’s satisfaction. God’s pure
grace provides faith for a sinner to believe the gospel message and gain a
right standing before Him for eternity.
We affirm that Christ founded, builds and heads one universal church,
comprised of all redeemed souls. Local church commitment is essential for
proper spiritual development. Membership in one does not insure
membership in the other.
We affirm that Jesus Christ will return bodily and visibly to establish
his millennial kingdom. The hope of the church is the return of Christ.
Mortality is exchanged for immortality. Incorruption replaces corruption as
we are glorified with Christ.
We affirm that the responsibilities of redeemed souls include:
obedience to Scripture, the practice of good works, the maintenance of
Biblical unity, and a walk consistent with righteousness, holiness, love,
separated from worldly practices and fleshly indulgences.